We are experts in securing earned media coverage. ​We find those hidden gems — those best kept secrets — and we wrap them in glitter.
We make everything we touch sparkle.
We've represented more than 80 brands in a wide range of consumer-driven industries, but our passion lies in the travel & hospitality realm where our best results have happened. These industries are our sweet spots.
Rather than being kind of good at a lot of things, we’ve chosen to be the best at just one thing.
Putting Cities on the Map
We understand the DMO world. We speak the language and understand the stakes have never been higher when it comes to tourism. Every city has a story. Some just struggle to find their unique angle. That’s where we come in and find what makes you sparkle.
Targeting the Affluent
Quantity or quality? We prefer the latter. Discerning customers know the term luxury is tossed around as easily as demure these days, but to reach the truly affluent customer a targeted campaign is necessary. We can speak to the most sophisticated of customers and ensure we are reaching your target demographic.
Everyone Deserves a Seat at the Table
From headlines like “The Best French Fries in the US” to the “Best Fried Chicken in America” TK PR has landed its restaurant clients on some of the most desired lists, helped launch multiple new restaurants, promoted dozens of eateries, hosted events in the James Beard House and turned chefs into television stars.
Rest Easy, We’ve Got This
If you build it they will come. Won’t they? Not unless you tell the world. That’s where we come in.